Wanless, J. (2009) When delivery method and subject matter are the same BC Educational Technology Users Group, accessed at http://community.bccampus.ca/etug?go=2135368 on Jan 30, 2009

A reflective blog on the pros and cons of social vs autonomous learning by a Masters student at Royal Roads University, Canada. Another example of the importance of good instructional design for effective online learning, and a timely reminder that there are other forms of learning besides social learning.


  1. Thanks for the plug Tony. Don’t know if it helps, but the direct URI is http://james.wanless.info/2009/01/when-delivery-method-and-subject-matter-are-the-same/

    In all honesty I like aspects of both social and autonomous learning, but, if anything, what I’m finding through experience is probably what makes the development of truly constructivist learning online difficult. It’s really hard (if not impossible) to make the experience totally individualized. You need ways to standardize aspects of it.

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