Sunday, February 16, 2025
Online Learning and Distance Education Resources — Moderated by Tony Bates, Research Associate, Contact North | Contact Nord
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The state of e-learning, 2008

Well, it's the end of the year, and so why not a personal retrospective of the worldwide state of e-learning at the end of...

European International Ph.D.s

I had the privilege this week of being an examiner for a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Rovira i Virgili in Tarragona, Spain....

World Economic Forum Global Advisory Council on Technology and Education

The World Economic Forum held its first Summit on the Global Agenda in Dubai between 7-9 November, 2008. The summit was attended by over...

New section on virtual worlds and games for learning

Today a new section of this web site opened, focusing on resources about virtual worlds and games for learning. This is being developed in collaboration...

E-learning in education and training in New Zealand

At the invitation of Richard Elliott, and John Clayton of Waikato Institute of Technology (WINTEC), I gave a series of keynotes and workshops in...

Online learning in Southern Africa

Dr. José Cossa is a research analyst from Mozambique, currently working in Syracuse, New York State, USA. He has recently published the following book: José...

Effective, Efficient and Engaging (E3) Learning in the Digital Age

Prompted by Peter Dillenbourg’s claim (2006) that the e should be dropped from e-learning, so the focus can be shifted to the conditions for...

South Africa

White rhinos in Pilanesburg Introduction At the invitation of the University of Pretoria (UofP) and Tshwane University of Technology (TUT), I spent two weeks in...

Web 2.0 And Independent Learning

Everyone is getting excited about the new Web 2.0 tools for education (see, for instance, Stephen Downes on e-Learning 2.0.   Indeed, so am...