Blog posts and articles about video in post-secondary education


We need more high quality video such as this from UBC

Bates, T. (2016) Is video a threat to learning management systems? Online learning and distance education resources, February 15

Bersin, J. (2016) Will video-based learning kill the LMS? Chief Learning Officer, February 15

My post discusses the implications of Bersin’s article

Bates, T. (2015) MIT and German research on the [appalling] use of video in xMOOCsOnline learning and distance education resources, July 15

Hansch, A. et al. (2015) Video and Online Learning: Critical Reflections and Findings From the Field Berlin DE: Alexander von Humbolt Institut für Internet und Gesellschaft

This exploratory study examines video as an instructional medium and investigates the following research questions:

  • How is video designed, produced, and used in online learning contexts, specifically with regard to pedagogy and cost?
  • What are the benefits and limitations of standardizing the video production process?

Findings are based on a literature review, our observation of online courses, and the results of 12 semi-structured interviews with practitioners in the field of educational video production

We reviewed a variety of different course and video formats offered on six major platforms: Coursera, edX, Udacity, iversity, FutureLearn, and Khan Academy.

Results? Not good:

To date, little consideration has been given to the pedagogical affordances of video, what constitutes an effective learning video, and what learning situations the medium of video is best suited for.

Bates, T. (2015) Seeking the unique pedagogical characteristics of video Online learning and distance education resources, January 18

This is an early draft of Chapter 7.4 of Teaching in a Digital Age.

The post covers:

  • presentational features
  • skills development
  • strengths and weaknesses
  • an activity to apply what is covered in the post

Bates, T. (2012) Pedagogical roles for video in online learning Online learning and distance education resources, March 10

A variation on the previous post

Bates, T. (2012) Using interactive video for patient health Online learning and distance education resources, March 9

A partnership between British Columbia’s Heart Failure Network, Cardiac Services BC and the Interior Health Agency has resulted in some very simple but effective videos for patients with heart problems.

Bates, T. (2019) Video use and higher education Online learning and distance education resources, September 23

Kaufman, P. and Mohan, J. (2009) Video use and higher education New York: Intelligent Television

The Kaufman and Mohan report, undertaken by Intelligent Television and the Copyright Clearance Center, ‘takes a careful look specifically at video use in higher education and takes stock of trends in teaching and learning at the university level.’

My blog post about this report also contains a number of links to the use of recorded lectures and lecture capture systems.

Bates, T. (2009) How would you use free academic video courses from leading universities? Online learning and distance education resources, September 22

A pre-MOOC reflection by me on how to use – well, MOOCs!

Mayer, R. E. (2009). Multimedia learning (2nd ed). New York: Cambridge University Press.

Probably the ‘bible’ on guidelines for the design of effective educational video, based on years of research into its effectiveness.

The University of British Columbia has an excellent set of design principles for multimedia based on the work of Richard Mayer and cognitive load theory. See also UBC’s Faculty of Arts Ideas and Strategies  for Using Video in the Classroom

Koumi, J. (2006), Designing Video and Multimedia for Open and Flexible Learning, Routledge Falmer

Excellent book about how to design educational video