Jones, D. (2001) Technology Costing Methodology Handbook Boulder, CO: Western Cooperative for Educational Telecommunications Juwah, C. (2006) Interactive Online Education London: Routledge


    • Good question, Vicki, and I don’t know the answer. However, the most likely source of information on this is Kenneth Green’s The Campus Computing Project <>.

      As a rough estimate (and the figure will vary considerably by size of institution) I would estimate that institutions spend around 10-15% of their operating budget directly on IT, including software, ‘renewable’ equipment such as computers and servers, networks, maintenance and IT support staff. However, there are also indirect costs, such as faculty time spent developing learning materials, for instance, that are not included in that figure. If anyone has better figures or sources, I would love to know about them.

      So investment in technology is a major item of expenditure, which makes it all the more important to use it strategically, for major change and improvement, rather than just to support the existing system, where it is much harder to justify the cost.

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