The two-day event brings together educators, cognitive scientists and policymakers to explore how cognitive science can be applied to educational policy and instructional design. Cognitive scientists have been systemically studying processes such as attention, memory and learning for more than 150 years. This rich resource of knowledge has been only recently applied to developing evidence-based interventions in education. The speakers in this Conference will explore how cognitive principles can inform instructional design and critical issues in education to bridge the gap between the lab and classroom.
Both in-person at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario; and online.
July 14-15, 2022
I will be talking about the benefits and drawbacks of synchronous and asynchronous teaching, and will set out some criteria for deciding on the appropriate mix of in-person and online teaching. The presentation will also include suggestions on good design principles when teaching online or in a blended mode.
For more information on the conference and other speakers, click here
The conference will be both in-person and online.
For more information and registration, click here.