Wednesday, October 23, 2024
Online Learning and Distance Education Resources — Moderated by Tony Bates, Research Associate, Contact North | Contact Nord

MIT, learning technologies, and developing countries: lessons in technology transfer

  This week I spent three days at the MIT LINC (Learning International Networks Consortium) conference in Boston/Cambridge, Massachusetts, with the theme: 'Realizing the Dream:...

An archive of alI I know about online learning

At the recent COHERE conference I delivered two keynotes: Meeting the challenge of technology: are we failing as managers? Designing university teaching to meet the needs...

My summer paranoia: computers will replace teachers in higher education

I had a strange dream last night. I was in discussion with an editor from a publishing company about the draft of a new...

CVU’s report on the state of online university education in Canada: first heal thyself

Canadian Virtual University (2012) Online University Education in Canada: Challenges and Opportunities Athabasca University AB: Canadian Virtual University. The report was commissioned by the Canadian Federal...

Book review: Learning Theory and Online Technologies

Harasim, L. (2012) Learning Theory and Online Technologies New York/London: Routledge Linda Harasim is one of the pioneers of online learning and this book brings...

European report on the future of learning

Redecker, C. et al. (2011) The Future of Learning: Preparing for Change Seville Spain: Institute for Prospective Technological Studies, JRC, European Commission What the report...

Book: Managing Technology in Higher Education now available

Bates, A. and Sangrà, A. (2011) Managing Technology in Higher Education: Strategies for Transforming Teaching and Learning San Francisco: Jossey-Bass/John Wiley & Co. Now out!...

Developing engaging online assessment strategies

Boettcher, J. (2011) Evidence of Learning Online: Assessment Beyond The Paper, Campus Technology, February 23 Online learning offers the opportunity for innovative, more authentic forms...

Journal of Distance Education, Vol. 25, No. 1 (2011)

The latest edition of the (Canadian) Journal of Distance Education is now out. This is a somewhat slim edition, with just six articles, one of...

CJLT special issue on knowledge building

The latest issue of the Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology focuses on knowledge building, a critical component of online discussions. From the editorial by...