Leadership Award

The CNIE Leadership Award is given in recognition of outstanding service to the field of technology or media in education or of distance education. There may be no more than two recipients in any one year. An Award may not be made if, in the opinion of the Selection Committee, no suitable nominations are received that year.


1. The nominee has been active in the education field for at least 10 years and is a member of CNIE.

2. The nominee’s contribution in the field may have been at a local, regional, national and/or international level.

3. The Award may be presented to someone who is active or retired.

4. Nominations may be made by any member of CNIE. However, the names of two other CNIE supporting nominators are required.

5. The nomination must include a brief biographical sketch of the nominee as well as any other information that will be helpful to the Selection Committee in making its decision. This information should include the nominee’s educational background and a brief description of the outstanding contributions that the nominee has made.

Presentation of the Award(s) will be made at the CNIE Annual Conference Opening Reception. The nominator will have the responsibility of introducing the recipient at this event.

Deadline for submissions

All documentation should be submitted in electronic format to Tim Howard (cnie-rcie@cnie-rcie.ca) no later than Friday March 12, 2010.


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