The report summarizing the Online Educa Berlin 2010 conference earlier this month concluded:

‘A new paradigm of learning emerged during the sessions attended by a record number of 2197 participants from 108 countries: Leaders in business, education and research were urged to fundamentally change the learning culture of their organisations. It was felt that only an open climate that nurtures learning will enable companies, schools or institutions of higher education to adapt to the ever increasing dynamics of competitive global markets…..

A new learning culture that takes advantage of digital technologies is also urgently needed in education. This became very clear in the ONLINE EDUCA debate, chaired by the former British MP Dr Harold Elletson. An overwhelming majority of the audience voted in favour of the motion that “The public sector has failed to use ICTs effectively in education and training”.

As I wasn’t there, I’m struggling to understand exactly what this ‘new paradigm of learning’ means, but it sounds good. I’m all for changing the learning culture – but to what? I need more details, or is this a general phrase to capture a wide variety of interesting developments that are different from traditional teaching? Would anyone who was able to attend like to attempt a definition of this new learning culture? I’m hoping for something more precise than ‘better and more use of technology.’ Alternatively, if someone will offer me a plane ticket to Berlin for next year’s conference…..

There is also a full report on sessions on serious games and simulations, showing a number of applications within the corporate and vocational sector, including police training, wine management, law, economics and literacy history. These sessions certainly looked interesting.

For more on the outcomes of this conference, see also video recordings from the conference


  1. Lamento no poder hacer ni lo uno ni lo otro. Tendrás que pagarte el viaje. 😉

    No necesitamos una nueva cultura del aprendizaje, ni un nuevo paradigma. Para integrar las tecnologías digitales en la educación pública lo que se necesitan son recursos. Recursos en infraestructuras y tecnología. Recursos para la formación de los docentes y alumnos que han de utilizarlas. Recursos para recompensar económicamente y profesionalmente el esfuerzo de los docentes. Recursos para lograr que las innovaciones sean aceptadas.

    Y sobre todo, entender que las reformas se hacen contando con la opinión y participación de los sujetos necesarios para llevar a cabo esa reforma (los docentes). Los cambios y las reformas no se imponen, se consensúan, se activan y se pilotan para llegar a buen fin. No se pueden realizar cambios y reformas a coste cero y sin contar con los docentes. Al menos, esto es lo que percibo en mi país.

    Opino que las conclusiones de Online Educa Berlín 2010 son un eslabón más del cruento ataque que está sufriendo la educación pública en nuestra vieja Europa. La educación pública resta cuantiosos beneficios a los grandes grupos de poder económicos y, ademas, es muy peligrosa, todavía forma individuos que son capaces de pensar por sí mismos.

    Buen día. Eduardo.

    Sorry I can´t do. You’ll have to pay you the trip. 😉

    We do not need a new culture of learning, or a new paradigm. To integrate digital technologies in public education that is needed are resources. Resources in infrastructure and technology. Resources for training teachers and students who use them. Resources for rewarding the efforts of teachers. Resources to ensure that innovations are accepted and well used.

    And above all, understand that reforms are relying on the opinions and participation of individuals to carry out this reform (teachers). The changes and reforms are not imposed, are agreed, are activated and piloted to reach a successful conclusion. You cannot make changes and reforms at zero cost and without teachers’ opinion. At least this is what I see in my country.

    I believe that the conclusions of Online Educa Berlin 2010 are one more link in the bloody attack that public education is suffering in our old Europe. Public education remains substantial benefits to large groups of economic power and, moreover, is very dangerous; it creates individuals who are able to think for themselves.

    Good day. Eduardo.
    Sorry for my English

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