Saturday, February 8, 2025
Online Learning and Distance Education Resources — Moderated by Tony Bates, Research Associate, Contact North | Contact Nord

Bridging the digital divide in higher education: 1: from a business perspective

Goldrick-Rab. S. et al. (2020) #RealCollege During the Pandemic The Hope Centre for College, Community and Justice Philadelphia: Temple University, June, pp. 22 Wasik, E....

Research reports on Covid-19 and emergency remote learning/online learning

Post last up-dated: 9 June, 2021 Since March 2020, there has been a flurry of research on emergency remote learning. Most published research up to...

Crashing into online learning: a report from five continents – and some conclusions

  I am beginning to come across reports of how different countries around the world are moving to online learning as a result of Covid-19,...

Online learning responsible for 10% of the UK economy – it is claimed

Glover, B. et al. (2020) The Learning Curve: How the UK is Harnessing the Potential of Online Learning London UK: Demos UK What is 'Demos...

Woolf University: the Airbnb of higher education or a sheep in wolf’s clothing?

Broggi, J.D. et al. (2018) Building the first blockchain university, Oxford UK, April 3 You are going to hear a lot about Woolf University over...

The current madness in online learning: case no. 1

Coughlan, S. (2018) University offers science degree online for £5,650 per year, BBC News, March 6 If you want to know what the very opposite of...

‘Why does Canada have so much online learning?’

Online learning in Canada  I was doing my usual stuff in Denmark this week, a keynote on 'Teaching for a digital age: why blended learning...

A better ranking system for university teaching?

Redden, E. (2017) Britain Tries to Evaluate Teaching Quality Inside Higher Ed, June 22 This excellent article describes in detail a new three-tiered rating system of...

Book review: A History of the Open University

Weinbren, D. (2105) The Open University: A History Manchester: Manchester University Press/The Open University, 274 pp + notes, £18.99, C$31.61, US$22.30 (paperback edition) Why you...

Online learning in 2012: a retrospective

Well, 2012 was certainly the year of the MOOC. Audrey Watters provides a comprehensive overview of what happened with MOOCs in 2012, so I...