Friday, July 26, 2024
Online Learning and Distance Education Resources — Moderated by Tony Bates, Research Associate, Contact North | Contact Nord

Towards a national strategy for e-learning in the U.K.

The excellent Re.Vica project's latest newsletter provides a link to a preliminary report from a high-level task force on online learning created by the...

UK establishes national task force on e-learning

Bacsich, P. (2010) Task Force Set Up to Promote UK Leadership in Online Learning Re.Vica Newsletter, February-March Paul writes: 'A new task force has been launched...

New book on virtual campuses worldwide

Schreurs, B. (ed.) (2010) Reviewing the Virtual Campus Phenomenon Heverlee Belgium: Europace This book is essential reading for any student wishing to do research on...

Massive cuts to higher education in Britain

Shepherd, J. (2010) Cash-starved universities will have huge classes, says union, The Guardian, January 12 It's only twelve days into January, and there is already...

JISC analysis of global activity in e-learning in higher education

MindSet Research (2009) Understanding Global Activity in Higher Education and Research: Primary, desk and web-based research Bristol UK: JISC This study was commissioned by the...