Thursday, October 24, 2024
Online Learning and Distance Education Resources — Moderated by Tony Bates, Research Associate, Contact North | Contact Nord

Some reflections on the results of the 2018 national survey of online learning

The public report of the 2018 national survey of online and distance learning in Canadian universities and colleges is now available in English and...

Online education and the professional associations: the case of law

Image: Reality Sandwich, 2015 Lederman, D. (2018) The uncertain landscape for online legal education Inside Higher Education, January 24 The situation in the USA This is a...

Latest data on USA distance education enrolments

Digital Learning Compass (2017) Distance Education Enrolment Report 2017 Wellesley MA A new partnership for the analysis of distance education data in the USA First, a little...

Corruption in higher education: a wake-up call

Daniel, J. (2016) Combatting Corruption and Enhancing Integrity: A Contemporary Challenge for the Quality and Integrity of Higher Education: Advisory Statement for Effective International...

Online learning for beginners: 3. ‘Aren’t MOOCs online learning?’

What are MOOCs? Just in case you don't know what MOOCs are (massive, open online courses), they are usually courses that use video recordings of lectures...

State support for public higher education is declining in the USA

Young Invincibles (2015) 2016 State Report Cards Washington DC: Young Invincibles This is a very interesting state by state report card on the support for...

In the USA, fully online enrollments continue to grow in 2014

Straut, T.T. and Poulin, R. (2015) Highlights of Distance Education Trends from IPEDS Fall 2014, WCET Frontiers, 21 December Source WCET (the Western Co-operative for Educational...

U.S. university/college financing ‘stabilizing’

Unauthored (2015) Stability and Modest Growth Expected for U.S. Colleges, Inside Higher Ed, December 3 Lederman, D. (2015) 'Stabilizing' Financial Picture, Inside Higher Education, July 8 These two...

Research on ‘academic innovation centres’ supporting online learning

Bishop, M. and Keehn, A. (2015) Leading Academic Change: An Early market Scan of Leading-edge Postsecondary Academic Innovation Centers Adelphi ML: William E. Kirwan centre...

Why the fuss about MOOCs? Political, social and economic drivers

The end of MOOCs This is the last part of my chapter on MOOCs for my online open textbook, Teaching in a Digital Age. In...