In case you missed the news item in early December, Maryam Tsegaye, a 17 year old from Fort McMurray, Alberta, won the 2020 Breakthrough Junior Challenge with a three minute video on quantum tunnelling. This is no mean challenge, which includes a $250,000 U.S. college scholarship, US$50,000 for her teacher, and state-of-the-art science lab for her high school worth US$100,000.
Now here’s a little competition for you. Watch the video above (just click on the icon) and give me as many reasons as you can why this video is so brilliant, and what lessons it has for online learning. If you would like to add them to the comment box below, that would also be brilliant.
When you have done that, click here for my views on this: http://wp.me/pi2SZ-37Y
Humour is a brilliant way to capture and retain attention. The irregular reward of the delightful whispered aside and eye roll keeps us feeding it our attention like nickels into the slot machine. Oh, and the visuals make the science feel accessible too.