Access to digital learning in Canada’s Northwest Territories
Soanes-White, T. (2022) Defining and exploring broadband connections and education solutions in Canada's North Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, Volume 48, No. 4
Spanish version of ‘Teaching in a Digital Age: Third Edition’ now available/Ya está disponible...
Click en la imagen para acceder al libro/Click on image to access book/
Me complace anunciar que la versión en español de la tercera edición...
Third edition of Teaching at a Distance is now published
The third edition of Teaching in a Digital Age is now available from here:
I have exported in several formats and made it public....
Discussing the response of school systems to Covid
Online learning and distance education: in conversation with Dr. Tony Bates, 25 February, 2021
Why the interview?
This is a 40 minute video recording of an...
The perversion of the Internet: scraping and selling children’s data from ed tech tools
Human Rights Watch (2022) How Dare They Peep into My Private Life? New York: Human Rights Watch, May 25
The promise and the ideal
I remember...
Bridging the digital divide in online learning
Salman, J. (2022) How one city closed the digital divide for nearly all its students The Hechinger Report, April 14
This report shows what can...
More on lecture-based online learning for Teaching in a Digital Age
Wow, thanks to several readers for some great and speedy feedback on Discussing classroom-type online learning, a revision for the third edition of Teaching...
Groundhog day in online learning? What’s different this time
The pandemic grinds on
I've entered 2022 with a sense of déjà vu. After nearly two years of Covid, it's like going back to the...
Successful competency-based learning in a California school system
West, C. (2021) How to do online learning well? A California district has some answers The Hechinger Report, December 19
In my search for relevant...
A Review of Online Learning in 2021
2021: still bad but better
In my review for 2020, I wrote 'Goodbye - and don't come back', a reaction to the horrible year caused...