Saturday, January 18, 2025
Online Learning and Distance Education Resources — Moderated by Tony Bates, Research Associate, Contact North | Contact Nord

Maintaining e3-learning while transitioning to online instruction: the case of the Open University of...

Luschei, T., Dimyati, S., and Padmo, D. (2008) ‘Maintaining e3-learning while transitioning to online instruction: the case of the Open University of Indonesia’ Distance...

Change Management InfoKit

JISC Infonet (2006) Change Management InfoKit Newcastle-upon-Tyne, U.K.: JISC Infonet

Change Management InfoKit

JISC Infonet (2006) Change Management InfoKit Newcastle-upon-Tyne, U.K.: JISC Infonet

Managing the introduction of technology in the delivery and administration of higher education

Australian Graduate School of Management, Fujitsu Center (1996) Managing the introduction of technology in the delivery and administration of higher education, Canberra, Australia: Government...

Managing Technological Change: Strategies for College and University Leaders

Bates, A. (2000) Managing Technological Change: Strategies for College and University Leaders San Francisco: Jossey-Bass

Making the Transition to e-Learning: Strategies and Issues

Bullen, M. and Janes, D. (2007) Making the Transition to e-Learning: Strategies and Issues Hershey, PA: Ideas Group

Models of Technology and Change in Higher Education

Collis, B., van der Wende, M. (2002) Models of Technology and Change in Higher Education Twente, Netherlands: Centre for Higher Education Policy Studies

Managing Change in Higher Education

Ford. P. et al. (1996) Managing Change in Higher Education Buckingham, UK: Society for Research into Higher Education and Open University Press

The Path of Least Resistance

Fritz, R. (1989). The Path of Least Resistance. New York: Columbine

Diffusion of Innovations

Rogers, E. (1995) Diffusion of Innovations New York: The Free Press