Saturday, February 8, 2025
Online Learning and Distance Education Resources — Moderated by Tony Bates, Research Associate, Contact North | Contact Nord
Dr. Elizabeth George in front of drawings of student engagement

Student motivation and online learning

This is a post for the many instructors who have asked (especially during the pandemic): 'But how do you motivate students to learn online?' Student...

Spanish version of ‘Teaching in a Digital Age: Third Edition’ now available/Ya está disponible...

Click en la imagen para acceder al libro/Click on image to access book/ Español Me complace anunciar que la versión en español de la tercera edición...

Who wants to update the French version of ‘Teaching in a Digital Age’?/Qui veut...

  Français Je suis très reconnaissant à Contact Nord d'avoir trouvé des fonds pour la traduction française de la première édition de Teaching in a Digital...

Third edition of Teaching at a Distance is now published

The third edition of Teaching in a Digital Age is now available from here: I have exported in several formats and made it public....

A review of Stephen Downes’ latest contribution to the theory of connectivism

Downes, S. (2022) Connectivism, Half an Hour, 9 February In an earlier post I gave an overview of Stephen Downes' latest update of his theory of connectivism....

Stephen Downes latest contribution to the theory of connectivism: an overview

Downes, S. (2022) Connectivism, Half an Hour, 9 February Stephen Downes has just published an article in his blog that: presents an overview of connectivism, offering...

Has online learning gone backwards because of the pandemic?

Back to the classroom model I was recently struck by a comment my former colleague Diana Laurillard made in a podcast for Mark Nichols' excellent...

More on lecture-based online learning for Teaching in a Digital Age

Wow, thanks to several readers for some great and speedy feedback on Discussing classroom-type online learning, a revision for the third edition of Teaching...

Successful competency-based learning in a California school system

West, C. (2021) How to do online learning well? A California district has some answers The Hechinger Report, December 19 In my search for relevant...

Special Pandemic Issue of the Journal ‘Online Learning’ Part 3: How some instructors changed...

Rutherford, T., Karamarkovich, S.M., Xu, D., Tate, T.P., Sato, B., Baker, R.B., & Warschauer, M.(2021). Profiles of instructor responses to emergency distance learning. Online...